Why Do We Need Robot Simulation Software?

Imagine programming an industrial robot and only realizing during operation that there were faults that were unaccounted for. Engineers will have to once again go through the code, reprogram and redeploy. In spite of this, engineers may still make errors and they will have to repeat this process all over again. Without a mechanism to simulate the system before deployment, errors are likely to occur as the path planning of robotic systems must be done with utmost precision.

Robot simulation solutions make it more efficient and affordable to build and test robotic system’s behavior under a realistic environment before deployment. Companies will be able to run simulation tests, refine the design, analyze the robot behaviors and finalize the changes needed before deploying the robot. Rather than going back and forth, simulation solutions reduce the cost and time of development, making the process much more streamlined. Such softwares is versatile and is compatible with multiple robot types and applications such as sandblasting robot and welding robots, etc. Here are the advantages of using robot automation software:

Reducing Errors

Simulating a robot before deployment reduces errors as there is a virtual testing environment to identify issues before the robot is deployed. Correction and optimisation could be done at an early stage, leading to fewer errors when in operation.

In the real world, there could be multiple scenarios and environmental conditions that we are unable to replicate in the real world. However, it could be done through simulations in a virtual setting. Therefore, giving room for comprehensive evaluations of the robot’s performance and identifying potential issues that may arise under different environmental conditions and scenarios. By reducing errors through simulation, the reliability and accuracy of the robot will be improved, leading to a more efficient and effective robot deployment.

Reducing Costs

Costs could be lowered by using robot simulation. In the example of a sanding robot system, evaluating the accuracy of the sanding robot’s motion planning will result in material costs being incurred. Simulation softwares helps companies mimic real life practical applications without incurring any additional expenses. Saving on prototype costs, corrective costs, and personnel costs.

Saving Time

Offline programming whereby the robot is connected to the programming software and can be programmed in real time is often aided by simulation softwares. As compared to traditional online programming, offline programming gives engineers more control over the robot’s movements and allows them to make changes in real time without disrupting the robot’s operation. This greatly reduces the time needed to deliver the whole system as robots can start working on parts of the system before deployment.

Although it is not a requirement to use robot simulation softwares to perform offline programming, there is value in being able to perform virtual trials on your robot’s behavior and reduce deployment risks. Most manufacturers and robot users will hire an integrator with the full knowledge of the advantages to understand the goals and needs of their project, so as to maximize the benefits and return on investments.

About Augmentus

Augmentus provides a scan and plan sandblasting automation software for robots in the manufacturing space. Our top priority is to enhance the current manufacturing process and deliver solutions that improve the return on investments of industry robot applications.

To learn more about the services Augmentus specialize in, visit https://www.augmentus.tech/


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